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Welcome to The Healing and C-PTSD Foundation:



Healing and C-PTSD is committed  to providing a welcoming and supportive community for complex trauma survivors. We aim to reduce the stigma of complex trauma, connect survivors with qualified professionals, and alleviate the financial burdens associated with therapy. Together, we aim to inspire hope, instill a sense of belonging, and pave the way for a brighter future where every survivor can reclaim their life, their voice, and their sense of self.


Our Core Initiatives:


1. Community Support: Instagram Community + Online Membership Portal


We recognize the profound impact of community in the healing journey. Our commitment extends to creating and nurturing a vibrant online space where survivors of complex trauma can connect, share, and find solace in their shared experiences. Our digital presence is designed to be more than just informative—it's a living, breathing community hub. 


2. Raising Awareness: C-PTSD Petition, The Healing + C-PTSD Show, and more

  Through education and advocacy, we strive to increase awareness about complex trauma, its impact, and the pathways to recovery. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and we believe in empowering both survivors and the wider community with information.


3. Connecting with Trauma-Informed Professionals: The Trauma Directory


We understand that finding the right support is a crucial step on the path to healing. Our Trauma Directory is a pioneering initiative aimed at bridging the gap between survivors and trauma-informed professionals, ensuring that individuals receive the care they need on their healing journey. This is currently being developed. 


4. Financial Assistance for Therapy: Healing Scholarships

We recognize that the journey to healing should not be hindered by financial constraints. Our Healing Scholarships program is a cornerstone of our commitment to ensuring that everyone, regardless of financial circumstances, has access to the transformative power of therapy and healing modalities.


Join Us in Making a Difference:


 As we transition into our non profit, we thank the community for their patience and support. In the mean time, we are beginning the process of finding our team to build this non profit together: Including, employees, volunteers and our board of directors.


 Together, we can make a positive impact and contribute to the healing of those affected by complex trauma and c-ptsd. Healing is a journey, and at Healing and CPTSD, we are honored to walk alongside survivors every step of the way.

a non-profit for complex trauma survivors


Have a way you can assist in our new non profit? Reach out! 

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